7 Tips To Make Your Home More Pet Friendly

Pets are a great addition to your house. They will provide lots of love, lifting you when you feel low. But the human world can be dangerous for our furry friends. Here are some simple things you can do to keep your pets safe at home. 

Pick a Lidded Trash Can

Most pets are naturally curious. The scent of food scraps might trigger them to start searching for an afternoon snack. Before you know it, there’s a mess strewn across your floor. Plus, your bin will likely contain choking hazards like small pieces of plastic and chicken bones. If your pet accidentally swallows one of these items and starts to have trouble breathing, it’s recommended that you take them to a vet.

A lid is a simple way of stopping your pet from getting into your bin. It’s also a good idea to choose a heavier trash can, which your pets won’t be able to knock over. You can sprinkle some baking soda around the bin to dispel food scents.

Install Window Screens

Sadly, cats are prone to a condition known as High-Rise Syndrome. This is what causes them to jump out of apartment windows. The good news is that these tragedies are preventable. You can keep the windows closed at all times. If you want to open apartment windows, you should place a mesh screen around them. 

Check Indoor Plants For Toxins

Indoor plants might look beautiful, but they can prove toxic to pets. Depending on the species, it can take just a few nibbles of a leaf for the toxin to take effect. Aloe vera and Lillies are two of the most common options but it’s worth double-checking each plant to make sure they are safe for pets. 

Store Medications Carefully

Human medications can cause a lot of harm if accidentally ingested by your furry friends. Because of this, you should store them in a place that is hard for them to access. This can be on a high shelf. If you put them in a low-lying cupboard, it’s a good idea to latch the door closed. Some pets can use their noses to push open doors. The same approach should be taken with toxic cleaning products. 

Monitor Chewing

Many young pets will go through a period of teething. During this time, they won’t be discerning about what they chew. This can lead to a lot of damaged shoes and wrecked stuffed animals. More alarmingly, though, they might decide to target electrical cords. If you spot this, you can sprinkle some dog repellent, these emit a strong odor and have an unpleasant taste, discouraging future chewing. 

Choose Dark-Colored Furniture

While you might wash your pets frequently, it can be hard to stop them from bringing mud into your house. Because of this, they can stain white furniture. Darker furniture will stop these marks from showing up. Even better choose a fabric like leather. This can be easily wiped down to remove stains. 

Make A Pet Zone

Finally, you might want to give your pets a dedicated section of the house. This gives them a place to go when they feel overwhelmed. Make sure to include plenty of chew toys and a place where they can lie down and relax. 

Taking Care Of Pets After They Pass Away

Unfortunately, our pets will eventually pass away. During these tragic times, it can help to plan pet funerals Sunshine Coast. This is a chance to say goodbye to your beloved pet and remember the good times you shared. Pets RIP offers pet cremation Sunshine Coast services so you can arrange a respectful farewell.


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