Great Summer Games to Play with Dogs in the Backyard

Here at Pets R.I.P., your go to for pet cremation in Ipswich QLD and pet cremation in Sunshine Coast, we love to see you having fun with your precious furry  friend. We would like to share with you, awesome summer games that you can enjoy playing with your dog in the backyard.

What are some great summer games that you and your dog(s) can enjoy on a nice summer day? Try a few retrieval games, agility games, digging fun, or just letting your dog(s) cool down with some water fun.

Are you interested in discovering how you can turn that boring backyard into a playland of fun? If so, here are some great game suggestions to build your own summertime backyard adventures.

Retrieval games

Have you ever loved to watch a dog at the beach as they fetch items from the water and take them back to someone? Fetch is a wonderful outdoor activity for dogs. It focusses a dog’s instinct of retrieval. It provides the opportunity for dogs to run, exercise, and get out built energy.

For some, retrieving items is like second nature to them and need very little training at all. You can see their excitement as they run back and forth repeatedly, sometimes laying the fetched item at their owner’s feet.

Other dogs need more motivation and show little interest in chasing and retrieving things. However, there are ways to perk their interest. Simply smear some peanut butter or cheese onto the item being retrieved. For dogs that don’t like picking up items with their mouths, you can try giving them a treat when they encounter the item.

With your furry best friend running around so much it is also wise to keep water on hand, especially for those dogs that get tired out easily.

Agility games

On your mark, get set, go! Dogs will enjoy maneuvering through a challenging obstacle course. Agility is a competitive athletic sport that has dogs navigating their way through various agility equipment. You can create an entire course of various jumps, weave poles, teeter-totters, chutes, tire jumps, and tunnels.

Sandbox digging

Dogs love to dig! This outside adventure will not only provide loads of fun for your pet – it will also be a great way to burn energy and get that daily dose of exercise.

You can create your own backyard sandpit by getting a kiddie pool that can be covered and fill it with clean, healthy sand from your local hardware or garden center. Keeping the sandbox covered is important to keep neighborhood animals out, as well as, keeping the sand clean and dry.

Collect your pets’ favorite toys and fill chewy toys with delicious treats. Bury them in the sand and teach your dog(s) how to dig and retrieve the items you bury.

Water fun

Who doesn’t like a good cool down on a warm, summer day? Dogs do too. Help your pet chill out with a nice dip in a kiddie pool. If you want to make it more interesting, try tossing in things like baby carrots, cut up apples, or another favorite treat that won’t easily dissolve into the water.

If setting up a kiddie pool is not an option for you, simply turn on a sprinkler and toss your dog’s favorite chew toys and treats into the middle. Show your pet how to retrieve the treats under the sprays of water.


With all the summer fun options out there, you can find many other things for you and your dog to do while spending hours in the back yard.

Following just a few of these fun activities can allow your dog to get out that built up energy, while getting daily exercise. Furthermore, remember that dogs can quickly tire down easily and become hot. Make sure to always keep fresh water on hand.

Pets R.I.P cares about you and your pet. Interested in reading more, check out our news page here.


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