Walking Your Dog Ideas for When It's Too Wet to Walk Outside

It's raining, and you can't walk your dog. So, what now? 

When it rains, sometimes walking your dog isn't an option. But that doesn't mean you can't give your furry friend the exercise they need. Here are a few ideas to keep your dog entertained on a rainy day.

  • Hire a Professional Dog Walker.
  • Play indoor games.
  • Organize a doggie play date.
  • Go on a car ride.

Dogs need regular walks to keep them healthy and happy, and just because the weather is bad outside doesn’t mean your dog can miss out! If you want to keep your dog active on a rainy day, keep reading.

How To Exercise Your Dog When It’s Raining Outside.

It’s pouring outside and you just want to stay in, but your dog is scratching at the door to go for his regular walk. Luckily there are several options to ensure your dog can still get their daily exercise while you stay dry.

There are many options to exercise a dog in rainy weather. Hire a dog walking company or train the dog to use a treadmill. Other options include playing indoor games or inviting other dogs to socialise. Another option is to take the dog out in the car.

  • Play Indoors

Try playing games like indoor fetch, tug of war, or hide and seek. Dogs love games and it’s a great way to tire out your pup while keeping them indoors.

  • Invite Some Doggie Friends Over

Invite some friends with dogs over. Socializing with other dogs while playing in the comfort of your own home is the ideal solution for bad weather exercise.

  • Take a Car Trip

Go for a car ride to see the sights. While not strictly indoors, you’ll still be keeping dry! Dogs love car rides and fresh air, and this is a great option for slightly lower energy dogs.

  • Hire a Professional Dog Walker

Dog walking companies regularly walk dogs in inclement weather. Just hand them over at the door and your pooch will get quality exercise in safe, professional hands.

When Should You Avoid Walking Your Dog?

Indoor activities for dogs are not just for rainy days. There are other times when it might be a better idea to keep them inside.

  • Hot Summer Days

Place your bare hand on the hot pavement, if you can’t hold it there without feeling hot for more than 10 seconds, then it’s too hot to walk your dog. Try indoor or yard exercise or wait until late evening before heading out.

  • Injury or Illness

Dogs don’t always understand that they need to slow down if they are feeling unwell. It’s up to us as owners to give them the exercise they need without injuring them further.

Indoor exercise and games can be modified to suit any ability and can be a fun way to keep your dog happy in a controlled situation.

Ideas For Wet Weather Dog Walking

If a traditional walk is out of the question, you can still get some exercise in while keeping dry. There are plenty of great indoor activities to keep you and your dog entertained on a rainy day. Use a little creativity, and your dog will get all the exercise it needs. Pets R.I.P cares about you and your pets.


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